Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today was wonderful. Nothing super special But just wonderful.  I am hopefully going to be faithful with starting my day with www.sacredspace.ie.  I like the contemplative exercises.   I think the retrospect even of the last 24 hours is good.  I rode Jana's bike to the library....it is a great distance for me a beginner.  Got 'The Counterfeiters' & 'The Queen' both I have been wanting to see. Washed my hair for the first time in five days. Got a new microwave. Sorry mom. Talked with Natalie for a long time....so good to catch up.  Submitted info for some agencies....hopefully I can get some work soon!  Went to celebrate great friend Brian Banks and did dance in the drum circle for about a minute and a half. Ate delicious carrot cake.  Had a deep talk with Jenn and at home a great talk with Jana. Overall I am just thankful for life and God in it.  You bring love, peace and grace to me. Thank you.

And I came across this photo which made my day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh what a wonderful day you had by the sounds of it! That picture made me smile too. Thanks for sharing it :)