Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm Happy. Tired and Happy. Transitioning into life as I know it now is different. This is a hardest/best job I have ever had. I absolutely love it. Working long hours day after day. I don't know how regular people do it. It's 95% work and 5% easy. I wear so so many hats and have acquired this feeling that there is always more to be done. Which I don't like. I am learning to take better care of myself. Making sure that I have a Sabbath Rest at least once a week. Eating well(ish,) exercising (yoga & swimming) and (almost) daily time in the Word or SITD. I have a lot to juggle and people to manage. I have moments of feeling overwhelmed which is my downfall at the moment, but for the most part I am enjoying life and feel like I am doing what I need to be doing. I know that life is not about the easy. And in reality my life is very easy. I have set it up that way and sometimes feel guilty and think that maybe the Hard is right around the I better enjoy it while it lasts. Which I think is from the Enemy of our souls.

I trust GOD and he reminds me that he has a better plan and if I would just open my hand, He in His time will bring all things Good.

Blessed am I. And I feel it.

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