Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cheryl Dawn Shoots

Sadly Cheryl is moving to Nashville and wanted to shoot some friends before leaving.  So we rounded up some friends and some OPP clothes and had an old fashioned good time....

Photographer: Cheryl Dawn Traugott
Make-up: Jenna Ricci
Stylist: Josh Owen
Natalia Hoyo
Crystal Bell
Jessica Wheel
Chelsea Darling
Bradford White.


Get Involved: CSW

Christian Solidarity Worldwide. I interned here several years ago in London.  I recommend them whole heartedly. Their purpose is to make you aware and active of Human and Religious Rights violations.  There is a lot of evil going on in the world that doesn't get much coverage. You can get on an email list to get weekly updates on situations going on around the world. This is a good opportunity to pray over these situations. If that's what you're in too.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Step to It.


Well Hawai'i  came and went so very fast.  I was there for only four days.  

High Lights:
~ Got a roundtrip ticket and flew First Class to Hawai'i for taking a later flight from LAX.
~ Saw Pharrell Williams in LAX.
~ The weather was perfect.  I thought it was going to be too cold.
~ Hotel Renew was amazing. Tres Chic and one block from the ocean.
~ Snorkeled and swam with sea turtles and many beautiful fish.
~ Literally felt like I was on LOST.
~ Went off roading and saw some fantastic parts of Oahu.
~ Hawai'i sunsets.
~ Through an interesting series of events I got my phone & wallet Back!
~ Saw God protect us.

Low Lights:
~ Almost missed my flight.  Set my alarm for 4:38pm instead of am.
~ Still adjusting to new position at work.
~ So very grateful to be in Hawai'i, but Honolulu is a city and very crowded from the Pro Bowl.
~ About lost my life over a cliff.
~ Lost my blue Kukoi, a very thin towel, made in Kenya.  It was given to me by a friend over ten years ago. 
~ Wish I had someone to share Hawai'i with.
~ Through an interesting series of events I got my phone, wallet, ipod & camera stolen.  Thus no pictues of my own to post here.


I fear the sickness has set in.
The water is rising and I have forgotten how to swim.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

For Trin

Oh the memories. And the "messy" room that started it all.  
You live you learn.  Would not like to go through that again,
but as least now I can look back and have a laugh.
Cheers to you Trinity!

For C & S

This is long overdue and for friends Christi & Sean.
Wish you were there.


Just figured out how to upload video to this blog.  Yes I know I am light years behind.  But here are a few videos from my trip last Summer.  This first one is a bit random, but a little idea of what it was like!  Enjoy.

Men's Where?

Where are the men that dress like this?  I hope this dapper style is coming into style freal.

This guy wins.  Looks to be wearing a dapper suit and going for it on a bike. All set with his pant leg tied and everything. Sheesh....I love Italians.

Monday, February 2, 2009

"This is my doing"

These are words of God {1 Kings 12:24}  As I read this from Streams in the Desert it was a bit startling.  So many things in life, well all things in life are God's doing.  The allowance for hard times are God's doing.  They bumper us back into God.  The gifts of joy are God's doing.  They allow us to realize/feel His Love for us. " 'This is my doing.'  I am the God of circumstances.  You did not come to this place by accident--you are exactly where I meant for you to be."  This I find hard to believe.  I am not in the place that I think or want to be.  But God has me exactly where He wants me to be?  I so frequently forget God is enamored with me.  Looking at me through Jesus with fierce love in His eyes and He is not impatient.  I am not satisfied with where I am, but God has me exactly where I am for a reason.  God knows what it is. Not I. That is for sure.  Life has been moderately good as of late, but I am so curious to know why He does things.  I know that I have seen God in the hindsight of my life, but I want to know now what it is He is up to?  I had a conversation with a friend today about this and it is quite unbelievable that God still wants to know me.  Even my life is not even on the radar in the vast vast universe.  Our whole planet is about the size of a quarter in our galaxy "The Milky Way."  Yet He is concerned with the minutiae of my life. These things of life are God's doing.  How we respond to them is our doing.  The thing that gives hope is that God is there to give assurance and encouragement when we are wise to His understanding or help pick up the pieces of "our doing" when we follow our own understanding.  HE is the only steady thing of this life.

Jesus I am so grateful for your doing in my life.  Thank you for always reminding me of you.


Talk to me.


...a few classy ones of late.


Marjorie Magniss Roquemore
Age: 92
Profession: Grand Grandmother.  Still coherent at 92.
Celebration: Olive Garden

Peter Nathan Roquemore
Age: 19
Profession: College student, Artist, Dancer, Cat Lover
Celebration: My house, with siblings, two best friends and girlfriend Becky.  On the menu: HUGE Hamburgers, Mac & Cheese, Homemade Mashed Potatoes, Grape Soda, Key Lime Pie (Peter's favorites). Followed by Flight of the Concords & The Painted Veil. 

Oh Baby.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Le Smoking.

As you all know I don't condone smoking, but this is a bad/awesome photo.  I am quite intrigued as to what this girl is thinking. I love that her look & hair are just pulled together, but so chic. It is most appropriate in B & W.  It is a great shot because it look like it is from the viewpoint of the motorcycle.