Monday, June 29, 2009

I Love the Look of People

..that don't look like everyone else. I hope he didn't get teased in school because his hair is amazing.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Go Ahead. Leave.

Dearest of Friend Crystal Bell is moving to China.  Had an Americana party to bid her farewell and remind her of all she'll be missing.  Beautiful, Bright, & my OPP business partner will be extremely missed, but I am glad she is doing what she gotta do.

Come home soon.

Click on picture to expand it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Glad I Wasn't Swimming

You win some, You lose some in this life right?  Well went for a Glacier Cruise.  Wins: Saw Bald Eagles, Orca & Humpback Whales, Sea Lions, Otters, Breath Taking Glaciers, 2 1/2 hour drive along the coast and through the mountains there and back was painfully gorgeous.  Lose: Cold, a bit pricey, Terrible meal, did I mention COLD, Rainy, Long, super cloudy so pictures came out ehhhhh.  Over all good adventure & glad to check that off my list of things to do in life :]

Scenes from the ride home:

Day Trippin

A little plane ride over glaciers was sick.  BTW Alaska is 2 1/4 times the size of Texas.  I heard of a T-shirt that a guy was wearing that said "Texas is Alaska's B*tch" Which I thought was hilarious.  What is with Texans anyway?  Who cares if they have a big boring state?
Our little Cessna that rode us around in the clouds...for 2 1/2 hours. Geezzzz it was great/small.
An old Missile Testing Center. Whoa.

Pictures are rubbish compared to experiencing this with your own eyes. It made me want to throw my camera out the window.
It blows my mind to think of all the design that went into our Planet Earth.  It comes out so magnificently here.
Nature's Beautiful landscape.
Turquoise water of the melting glaciers. 
God's Green Earth.
God created all of this and called it "good"  I had a few other words to describe it, but really there were all quite trite when faced with this. 
Glaciers mean A River of Ice. Makes sense.
Compacted ice is not something you see everyday.  And for some reason it is so Majestic to look at.
Ice cubes anyone?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Alaskan Hike.

Went for hike with speedsters. So after a moment of sadness b.c I am super out of shape I had a marvelous time alone exploring. These pictures are daft in representing the Majesty that is Alaska, which is the slightest example of God's Grandeur.

Flight to Alaska

....was almost half of fun of being here. The views were so majestic.  I cannot fathom the idea that the Creation was coincidental. 

MA best Bear Face.

Ode to a Classier Time

Present day & Old time swagger = All time cool.
These made my day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Spain maybe Morocco

These images taken at Disney's Morocco make me miss Spain.  I would like to return soon to visit my friend Jenna who recently moved there.  I would also like to visit Morocco, but I would also like to live.

OPP & charity: water

We at Other Peoples Property are giving 15% of our profits to charity: water.  This is a mission that we strongly believe in.  One billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. That’s one in six of us. charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. Just $20 can give one person in a developing nation clean water for 20 years. To learn more about charity: water or give directly please visit,

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