Monday, May 25, 2009

Job 23:8-10

Behold, I go forward but He is not there, and backward, but I cannot perceive Him;
When He acts on the left, I cannot behold Him; He turns on the right, I cannot see Him.

But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as Gold.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Portland, ME

On the way...

Both of these really represent Portland (when it's not raining it stunning and beautiful, and also a comfy feel when it's raining.)
Some sick graffiti... 
Friends: Mandy & Halie....
Beautiful Old Buildings...
A walk about the Harbor...

A street of my own...

A most delicious restaurant, with cheeses from all over the world...(and not just our company.)
B & W...
Guinness Floats?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Aunt Dana

Went for a visit to Purcellville VA to visit bestest of Friend Christi Noel Unterwagner Welsh.  She is married and has two most beautiful kids.  I loved my times with them.

We finally get one picture.
The dangerous shirt.
Oh the faces this kid makes.
Wore this bandage for a day for no reason.
Watching Curious George.
Eye love you.
The super hero of choice.
She is going to be a beauty just like her mom.
Playing with my Jonah who wants to build a house right next to mine in FL.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Or even moments in a day I feel as though I fail in life. Especially in the area of leading a Spirit lead life. Wishing I had more of a desire to spend time and adoration to the Love that gave everything to be with me. I know that I devote time to worthless things. Things with no eternal value, but they are easy to come by and therefore I am consumed in passing the moments in oblivion.  And I admit that these things can be very enjoyable, but I am astutely aware that I am wanting to pass the time so that I will be closer to the time that I can be face to face with my Creator, but to spend quality time alone with this Being sounds like a bore.  It is a raging paradox I know, but I cannot escape how I feel and often don't change my actions, therefore leaving me feeling like the top of this paragraph.

Alas at the core of me I find deep comfort, in that, as much as I loathe the way I act, I know that I am God's.  He doesn't hold it against me.  He only wants to Love me and remind me how precious I am to Him. I have this image of a Father holding a child after an exhausting day.  As a kid that was the most comforting place for my Dad's lap.  It was not a moment for condemn, but for tender words and forgiveness.  How can this be?  I am out of words when God says, I loved you first and nothing is going to change that....."God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him." (the message Rom. 5:8) This blows me away.
"The value of the Possession is seen in the intensity of the pursuit."
I would hope to change my intensity of His pursuit. To hopefully portray how highly I value His Love.

The Roquemore Family

Photos by

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mystery a Mysterious

This looks like a Fashion Spread but it was in real life. Loves it.

My Ma.

Happy Mother's Day to quite an incredible woman.  I really realize more and more the qualities (both good and not so good) that I have inherited from her. I am honored to have her as my own. Plus she is a babe.
I love you Mom.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Anniversaire Heureux

To my parents: 
Brian & Elaine Roquemore
Married 33 years.
Terrific Parents.
Not without flaws
But with more Love
Than I could have
Ever hoped for.
I Love You Two.

My mother in her wedding dress. Which was actually her grandmother's.  The dress was made in 1914.
The Cutest Couple.
Recreating the quite famous wedding portrait.
(Photos by:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Out of this world cute. Hope my kids look this cute some day.